Gregory Nazianzus on the God-Man*

He was baptized as man

       But he remitted sins as God.

He hungered

       But he fed thousands.

He thirsted

       But he cried, "If any man is thirsty, let him come unto me and drink."

He was weary

       But he is the rest of the weary and heavy laden.

He is called a Samaritan, demonically possessed

       But he saves the man who came down from Jerusalem and fell among thieves.

He is stoned

       But is not hit.

He prays

       Yet he hears prayer.
He asks where Lazarus was laid, for he was man

       But he raises Lazarus, for he was God.

He is sold, and very cheap (thirty pieces of silver)

       But he redeems the world, at great price (the price of his own blood).

He is led to the slaughter as a sheep

       But he is the Shepherd of Israel.

He is bruised and wounded

       But he heals every disease—every infirmity.

He is lifted up and nailed to the Tree

       But by the Tree of Life, he restores us.

He is given vinegar to drink, mingled with gall.

       And who is he? The One who turned water into wine.

Who destroys the bitter taste

      Who is altogether sweetness and desire.

He lays down his life

       But he has power to take it again.

He dies

       But he gives life and by his death destroys death.

He is buried

       But he rises again.


*Adapted from Gregory's Third Theological Oration, 20 (Oration 29.20). Gregory Nazianzus (ca. 326-29—390) was one of the three great Cappadocian fathers (Basil of Caesarea and his younger brother, Gregory Nyssa, being the other two) so instrumental in defending and perfecting the theology of the Nicene Council and Creed (325 A.D.).