Kerux Archives : Author : James T. Dennison, Jr.

Life, Light, Lamb ... And the Logos
John 1:1-18
1/1 (May 1986)
A King and a Cripple
2 Samuel 4:4; 9:1-11; 16:14; 19:16,17,24-30
1/2 (Sep 1986)
Paul on the Damascus Road
Acts 9:1-19
2/2 (Sep 1987)
Pax Romana, Pax Christi
Luke 2:1-20
2/3 (Dec 1987)
The Rape of Tamar3/2 (Sep 1988)
The Babe and the Babes of Bethlehem
Matthew 2:1-18
3/3 (Dec 1988)
Short Note on the Structure of Isaiah 14/1 (May 1989)
A Tale of Two Cities: Isaiah and Worship
Isaiah 1:1-31; 6:1-8
4/2 (Sep 1989)
Building the Biblical-Theological Sermon4/3 (Dec 1989)
Building the Biblical-Theological Sermon (part 2)5/1 (May 1990)
Witnesses to the King
John 19:17-42
5/2 (Sep 1990)
The Righteous King - The Just Kingdom
Isaiah 32:1-3
5/3 (Dec 1990)
Paul, Philemon, Onesimus and the New Creation in Christ Jesus6/3 (Dec 1991)
The Structure of John's Gospel - The Present State of the Question7/1 (May 1992)
John 3:1-16; 7:45-53; 19:38-42
7/2 (Sep 1992)
Suggestions for Reading - The History of Biblical Theology: Encyclopedias and Dictionaries7/3 (Dec 1992)
The Gospel of John: An Introduction8/1 (May 1993)
The Prologue of John's Gospel
John 1:1-18
8/2 (Sep 1993)
What Should I Read on the Song of Solomon?8/2 (Sep 1993)
The Sign of Jonah8/3 (Dec 1993)
Come and See
John 1:19-51
9/2 (Sep 1994)
The Gospel of Mark from Beginning to End
Mark 1:1-15; 15:33-39;16:1-8
9/3 (Dec 1994)
The Eschatological Aspect of Justification
Romans 4:25
10/1 (May 1995)
What Should I Read on the Epistle of Jude?10/1 (May 1995)
The Unnamed Woman and Jesus
Mark 14:1-11
10/2 (Sep 1995)
John 2: Structure And Biblical Thelogy11/1 (May 1996)
Jesus and Lazarus
John 11:17-48, 53
11/2 (Sep 1996)
What is Biblical Theology? Reflections on the Inaugural Address of Geerhardus Vos2/1 (May 1987)
What Should I Read on Hosea?12/1 (May 1997)
The Lament and the Lamenter12/3 (Dec 1997)
Enveloped By God
Hosea 14:4-8
13/1 (May 1998)
He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease
John 3:22-31
14/2 (Sep 1999)
Geerhardus Vos: Life Between Two Worlds14/2 (Sep 1999)
The Shepherd-Lord15/1 (May 2000)
Vos on the Sabbath: A Close Reading16/1 (May 2001)
Simeon's Farewell Song
Luke 2:21-35
16/3 (Dec 2001)
What is the 'Critical' Reading of the Bible?17/1 (May 2002)
Arius 'Orthodoxos'; Athanasius 'Politicus'17/2 (Sep 2002)
Symmetries of Equivalence: Logos and Theos in John 1:1-2
John 1:1-2
18/1 (May 2003)
Jonathan Edwards, 1703-1758: An Appraisal on the Tercentenary of His Birth18/2 (Sep 2003)
Born of the Virgin Mary
Matthew 1:1-25
18/3 (Dec 2003)
Augustine and Grace18/3 (Dec 2003)
Deuteronomy 19: Chiasms and Cases19/1 (May 2004)
Origen: A Review19/2 (Sep 2004)
Eschatology and the Structure of 1 Thessalonians19/3 (Dec 2004)
Calvinistic Antinomians20/1 (May 2005)
The Bentheim Confession (1613/1617)20/2 (Sep 2005)
K.A. Kitchen on the Old Testament: A Review20/2 (Sep 2005)
Tiberius Caesar
Luke 2:1, 3:1
20/3 (Dec 2005)
Fulgentius of Ruspe
Ezekiel 18:4,32
20/3 (Dec 2005)
Trinitarian Confession of the Italian Church of Geneva (1558)21/1 (May 2006)
The Law from the New Mount
Matthew 5:27-28
21/1 (May 2006)
Calvin on DVD21/2 (Sep 2006)
Justin Martyr21/3 (Dec 2006)
Again, Jesus' Sermon on the Mount21/3 (Dec 2006)
Narrative Art and Biblical Theology in the Book of Ruth22/1 (May 2007)
Old Testament Historical Books: A Critical Review22/1 (May 2007)
Prophetic Narrative Biography and Biblical Theology: The Prophet Hosea22/2 (Sep 2007)
Micah's Bethlehem and Matthew's
Micah 5:2-5
Matthew 2:1-6
22/3 (Dec 2007)
The Earliest Hungarian Protestant Confessions: Nagyvarad (1544) and Erdod (1545)23/1 (May 2008)
Past and Present23/1 (May 2008)
The Eschatological Reversal of the Protological Reversal: Narrative Analysis and Chiastic Paradigms in Genesis 2:18-3:24
Genesis 2:18-3:24
23/2 (Sep 2008)
Abscondita cum Christo: The Blind Man and Jesus23/3 (Dec 2008)
Geerhardus Vos, Biblical Theology and Preaching24/1 (May 2009)
A Mini-Markan Sandwich: Simon of Cyrene Pressed Between Jesus and His Cross
Mark 15:20-22
24/2 (Sep 2009)
Exsul, Peregrinus, Viator: Selderhuis on Calvin, A Review24/2 (Sep 2009)
Merit or "Entitlement" in Reformed Covenant Theology: A Review24/3 (Dec 2009)
Ruth: The Story Begins25/1 (May 2010)
The Aaronic Benediction
Numbers 6:22-27
25/2 (Sep 2010)
Joab and Abner: Narrative Symmetries Sandwiching David
2 Samuel 3:6-12, 17-39
25/3 (Dec 2010)
More Letters of Geerhardus Vos26/1 (May 2011)
The Hungarian Confessio Catholica (1562) on Covenant Conditions26/1 (May 2011)
"To the Hebrews": A Narrative Paradigm26/2 (Sep 2011)
Chiastic Homoioptoton in Hebrews 10:39 and 11:1
Hebrews 10:39, 11:1
26/3 (Dec 2011)
What Should I Read on Jeremiah?27/1 (May 2012)
The People of God and the Nation-States -- Interfacing Eschatology and Anti-Eschatology in Organic Continuum
Daniel 2-12
27/1 (May 2012)
Member of the Westminster Assembly Rejects Republication of the Covenant of Works at Mt. Sinai27/2 (Sep 2012)
The Confession of the Ecclesia Locarnensis Reformata of July 9, 155427/2 (Sep 2012)
Deadly Fires versus Living Waters
Jeremiah 2:12-13
28/1 (May 2013)
Narrative Echoes: The Words of Brother Jesus in Brother Jude's Epistle28/2 (Sep 2013)
The End in the Beginning: A Biblical-Theological Catechism for Young and Old28/2 (Sep 2013)
The End in the Beginning: A Biblical-Theological Catechism for Young and Old: Genesis28/3 (Dec 2013)
The Structure of the Epistle of Jude29/1 (May 2014)
What Should I read on Zephaniah?29/2 (Sep 2014)
The End in the Beginning: A Biblical-Theological Catechism for Young and Old: Exodus29/2 (Sep 2014)
Editor's Preface29/3 (Dec 2014)
The End in the Beginning: A Biblical-Theological Catechism for Young and Old: Leviticus30/1 (May 2015)
By Faith Abel
Genesis 4:1-8
Hebrews 11:4
30/1 (May 2015)
Geerhardus Vos and Michael Wolter on Paul's Eschatology30/2 (Sep 2015)
The End in the Beginning: A Biblical-Theological Catechism for Young and Old: Numbers30/3 (Dec 2015)
The End in the Beginning: A Biblical-Theological Catechism for Young and Old: Deuteronomy31/1 (May 2016)
Jeremiah: Prophetic Narrative Biography and the Divine-Human Interface31/1 (May 2016)
The Eschatological Jubilee
Luke 4:16-30
31/1 (May 2016)
The End in the Beginning: A Biblical-Theological Catechism for Young and Old: Joshua31/2 (Dec 2016)
The Aperture and Closure of Obadiah: Patterned Symmetry of Visionary Imagery31/2 (Dec 2016)
The End in the Beginning: A Biblical-Theological Catechism for Young and Old: Judges32/1 (May 2017)
The End in the Beginning: A Biblical-Theological Catechism for Young and Old: Ruth32/2 (Dec 2017)
Review: Dictionary of Biblical Theology (Leon-Dufour, Xavier)James T. Dennison, Jr. 2/2 (Sep 1987)
Review: Old Testament AbstractsJames T. Dennison, Jr. 2/3 (Dec 1987)
Review: New Testament AbstractsJames T. Dennison, Jr. 2/3 (Dec 1987)
Review: The Hebrew Bible in Literary Criticism (Preminger and Greenstein)James T. Dennison, Jr. 3/3 (Dec 1988)
Review: The Literary Guide to the Bible (Alter and Kermode)James T. Dennison, Jr. 4/2 (Sep 1989)
Review: The Christocentric Literary Structure of the Fourth Gospel (Mlakuzhyil, George)James T. Dennison, Jr. 5/1 (May 1990)
Review: The Symphony of Scripture (Strom, Mark)James T. Dennison, Jr. 7/2 (Sep 1992)
Review: Grace and Glory (Vos, Geerhardus)James T. Dennison, Jr. 9/2 (Sep 1994)
Review: Lamentations: Issues and interpretation (Westermann, Claus)James T. Dennison, Jr. 11/2 (Sep 1996)
Review: Surely there is a future: A commentary on the book of Ruth (Hamlin, E. John)James T. Dennison, Jr. 11/3 (Dec 1996)
Review: Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (Joel B. Green, Scot McKnight, I. Howard Marshall)James T. Dennison, Jr. 11/3 (Dec 1996)
Review: Dictionary of Paul and his Letters (Gerald F. Hawthorne, Ralph P. Martin, Daniel G. Reid)James T. Dennison, Jr. 11/3 (Dec 1996)
Review: Peoples of the Old Testament World (Alfred J. Hoerth, Gerald L. Mattingly, Edwin M. Yamauchi)James T. Dennison, Jr. 11/3 (Dec 1996)
Review: The Theology of the Gospel of John (Smith, D. Moody)James T. Dennison, Jr. 12/3 (Dec 1997)
Review: Biblical Interpretation Past and Present (Bray, Gerald)James T. Dennison, Jr. 13/2 (Sep 1998)
Review: Reading Biblical Narrative: An Introductory Guide (Fokkelman, J. P.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 15/3 (Dec 2000)
Review: Chaismus in Antiquity (Welch, John W.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 17/1 (May 2002)
Review: Chiasmus Bibliography (Daniel B. McKinley, John W. Welch)James T. Dennison, Jr. 17/1 (May 2002)
Review: Discourse Perspectives on Hebrew Poetry in the Scripture (Wendland, Ernst R.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 17/1 (May 2002)
Review: Handbook of Biblical Criticism (R. Kendall Soulen, Richard N. Soulen)James T. Dennison, Jr. 17/1 (May 2002)
Review: Rethinking the Synoptic Problem (David R. Beck, David Alan Black)James T. Dennison, Jr. 17/1 (May 2002)
Review: BibleWorks 5.0 (Hermeneutika)James T. Dennison, Jr. 17/1 (May 2002)
Review: Preaching John (Kysar, Robert)James T. Dennison, Jr. 17/2 (Sep 2002)
Review: The Interpretation of the New Testament in Greco-Roman Paganism (Cook, John G.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 17/2 (Sep 2002)
Review: Religions of the Hellenistic-Roman Age (Tripolitis, Antonia)James T. Dennison, Jr. 17/2 (Sep 2002)
Review: Reading Biblical Poetry: An Introductory Guide (Fokkelman, J. P.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 17/3 (Dec 2002)
Review: Readings from the Ancient Near East (Bryan E. Beyer, Bill T. Arnold)James T. Dennison, Jr. 18/1 (May 2003)
Review: Why Four Gospels? (Black, David A.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 18/1 (May 2003)
Review: Paul, Thessalonica and Early Christianity (Donfried, Karl P.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 18/1 (May 2003)
Review: Judaism When Christianity Began: A Survey of Belief and Practice (Neusner, Jacob)James T. Dennison, Jr. 18/1 (May 2003)
Review: Shades of Sheol. Death and Afterlife in the Old Testament (Johnston, Philip S.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 18/2 (Sep 2003)
Review: Reformed Confessions of the Sixteenth Century (Cochrane, Arthur C.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 18/3 (Dec 2003)
Review: The Religious Context of Early Christianity: A Guide to Graeco-Roman Religions (Klauck, Hans-Josef)James T. Dennison, Jr. 18/3 (Dec 2003)
Review: Magic and Paganism in Early Christianity: The World of the Acts of the Apostles (Klauck, Hans-Josef)James T. Dennison, Jr. 19/1 (May 2004)
Review: Augustine and His World (Pachomios Penkett, Andrew Knowles)James T. Dennison, Jr. 19/2 (Sep 2004)
Review: History of Biblical Interpretation: A Reader (Yarchin, William)James T. Dennison, Jr. 19/2 (Sep 2004)
Review: The Westminster Handbook to Patristic Theology (McGuckin, John A.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 19/3 (Dec 2004)
Review: A Prophet in Debate: The Rhetoric of Persuasion in the Book of Amos (Moeller, Karl)James T. Dennison, Jr. 20/1 (May 2005)
Review: Hell Under Fire (Robert A. Peterson, Christopher W. Morgan)James T. Dennison, Jr. 20/2 (Sep 2005)
Review: The Cambridge Companion to Augustine (Norman Kretzmann, Eleonore Stump)James T. Dennison, Jr. 20/2 (Sep 2005)
Review: The Decades of Henry Bullinger (Bullinger, Henry)James T. Dennison, Jr. 20/2 (Sep 2005)
Review: Questioning Q: A Multidimensional Critique (Nicholas Perrin, Mark Goodacre)James T. Dennison, Jr. 20/2 (Sep 2005)
Review: The Future of Biblical Archaeology: Reassessing Methodologies and Assumptions (Allan Millard, James K. Hoffmeier)James T. Dennison, Jr. 20/3 (Dec 2005)
Review: Ruth: A Continental Commentary (LaCocque, Andre)James T. Dennison, Jr. 20/3 (Dec 2005)
Review: Early Christian Mission: Jesus and the Twelve (vol. 1); Paul and the Early Church (vol. 2) (Schnabel, Eckhard J)James T. Dennison, Jr. 21/1 (May 2006)
Review: The Gospel According to John (Kruse, Colin G.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 21/1 (May 2006)
Review: The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology (David Steinmetz, David Bagchi)James T. Dennison, Jr. 21/2 (Sep 2006)
Review: Early Christian Greek and Latin Literature: A Literary History (Enrico Norelli, Claudio Moreschini)James T. Dennison, Jr. 22/1 (May 2007)
Review: The IVP Atlas of Bible History (Lawrence, Paul)James T. Dennison, Jr. 22/2 (Sep 2007)
Review: John Diodati's Doctrine of Holy Scripture (Farrari, Andrea)James T. Dennison, Jr. 22/2 (Sep 2007)
Review: A Student's Guide to Textual Criticism of the Bible: Its History, Methods & Results (Wegner, Paul D.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 22/2 (Sep 2007)
Review: The Preexistent Son: Recovering the Christologies of Matthew, Mark, and Luke (Gathercole, Simon J.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 22/3 (Dec 2007)
Review: The Gospel of Matthew (France, R. T.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 22/3 (Dec 2007)
Review: Jesus as the Eschatological Davidic Shepherd: Studies in the Old Testament, Second Temple Judaism, and in the Gospel of Matthew (Chae, Young S.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 22/3 (Dec 2007)
Review: Jesus and Archaeology (Charlesworth, James H.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 23/1 (May 2008)
Review: The Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism (Berlin, Adele)James T. Dennison, Jr. 23/1 (May 2008)
Review: The First Book of Samuel (Tsumura, David T.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 23/1 (May 2008)
Review: William Wilberforce: A Biography (Tomkins, Stephen)James T. Dennison, Jr. 23/1 (May 2008)
Review: Getting to Know the Church Fathers: An Evangelical Introduction (Litfin, Bryan M.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 23/2 (Sep 2008)
Review: The Fathers of the Church: A Comprehensive Introduction (Drobner, Hubertus R.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 23/3 (Dec 2008)
Review: Ancient Letters and the New Testament: A Guide to Context and Exegesis (Klauck, Hans-Josef)James T. Dennison, Jr. 24/1 (May 2009)
Review: The Architecture of Herod, the Great Builder (Netzer, Ehud)James T. Dennison, Jr. 24/1 (May 2009)
Review: Calvin: A Brief Guide to His Life and Thought (van't Spijker, Willem)James T. Dennison, Jr. 24/1 (May 2009)
Review: The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse: Medieval Texts in Translation (Gumerlock, Francis X.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 24/2 (Sep 2009)
Review: Ephesians (Thielman, Frank)James T. Dennison, Jr. 26/1 (May 2011)
Review: Friends of Calvin (van den Berg, Machiel A.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 26/2 (Sep 2011)
Review: Ignatius of Antioch and the Parting of the Ways: Early Jewish-Christian Relations (Robinson, Thomas A.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 26/2 (Sep 2011)
Review: Temporal Oppositions as Hermeneutical Categories in the Epistle to the Hebrews (Portalat�n, Antonio)James T. Dennison, Jr. 27/1 (May 2012)
Review: Song of Songs: A Close Reading (Barbiero, Gianni)James T. Dennison, Jr. 27/3 (Dec 2012)
Review: Handbook of Biblical Criticism (R. K. Soulen, R. N. Soulen)James T. Dennison, Jr. 27/3 (Dec 2012)
Review: Second Corinthians (Collins, Raymond F.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 28/2 (Sep 2013)
Review: Exodus (Hamilton, Victor P.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 28/2 (Sep 2013)
Review: Treaty, Law and Covenant in the Ancient Near East (Paul J. N. Lawrence, Kenneth A. Kitchen)James T. Dennison, Jr. 28/3 (Dec 2013)
Review: Luke (France, R. T.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 29/1 (May 2014)
Review: The Hymns of Saint Luke: Lyricism and Narrative Strategy in Luke 1-2 (Dillon, Richard J.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 29/1 (May 2014)
Review: Continuous Commentary on Johannes Marckius' Didactico-Elenctic Compendium of Christian Theology. Volume 1 (de Moor, Bernardinis)James T. Dennison, Jr. 29/3 (Dec 2014)
Review: The Book of Judges (Webb, Barry G.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 30/1 (May 2015)
Review: Luke: The Gospel of the Children of Israel (Maynet, Roland)James T. Dennison, Jr. 30/2 (Sep 2015)
Review: The Political Theory of Christ and its Creation of Our World (White, Jefferson)James T. Dennison, Jr. 30/3 (Dec 2015)
Review: The Gospel According to Luke (Edwards, James R.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 31/1 (May 2016)
Review: Christianity in Roman Africa: The Development of its Practices and Beliefs (Robin M. Jensen, J. Patout Burns)James T. Dennison, Jr. 31/1 (May 2016)
Review: Fragments of Colossae: Sifting Through the Traces (Cadwallader, Alan H.)James T. Dennison, Jr. 31/2 (Dec 2016)
Review: Divine Honours for the Caesars: The First Christians' Responses (Winter, Bruce)James T. Dennison, Jr. 32/1 (May 2017)