Kerux Archives : Search Results
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Sermons and ExpositionsTitle | Author | Reference | Issue |
A Sermon On Hebrews 12:1-3 | Vos, Geerhardus | Hebrews 12:1-3 | 1:1 |
Rabboni | Dennison, Charles G. | John 20:16 | 1:1 |
The Conquest of the Cross | Drake, Robert | Colossians 2:15 | 1:1 |
Life, Light, Lamb ... And the Logos | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John 1:1-18 | 1:1 |
The Church and Proclamation | Semel, Lawrence | Matthew 3:1-12 | 1:1 |
A Sermon On I Peter 1:3-5 | Vos, Geerhardus | 1 Peter 1:3-5 | 1:2 |
A King and a Cripple | Dennison, Jr., James T. | 2 Samuel 4:4; 9:1-11; 16:14; 19:16,17,24-30 | 1:2 |
Behold My Servant | Roth, David L. | John 9 | 1:2 |
Your Life is the Worship of Jesus Christ | Dennison, William D. | John 1:14 | 1:2 |
The Weeping of Rachel | Schilder, Klaas | Matthew 2:17,18 | 1:3 |
Christ, Our High Priest in Heaven | Gaffin, Jr., Richard B. | Hebrews 4:14 | 1:3 |
Firstborn Over All | Baugh, Steven M. | Colossians 1:15-20 | 1:3 |
An Unsuspected and Hidden Glory | Dennison, Charles G. | Matthew 2:1-12 | 1:3 |
Biblical Theology in the Study and the Pulpit | Boyd, James Oscar | None | 2:1 |
Life for Land | Jones, Stuart R. | 1 Kings 21:1-29 | 2:1 |
Election and Transformation | Semel, Lawrence | Genesis 25:19-34 | 2:1 |
A Sermon on I Corinthians 15:14 | Vos, Geerhardus | 1 Corinthians 15:14 | 2:2 |
The Raising of Levi | Tolsma, Cornelius | Luke 5:27,28 | 2:2 |
Paul on the Damascus Road | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Acts 9:1-19 | 2:2 |
Jesus, the Multitudes and Us | Dennison, Charles G. | Matthew 5:1,2 | 2:2 |
Pax Romana, Pax Christi | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Luke 2:1-20 | 2:3 |
The Bronze Serpent History | Hoogsteen, T. | Numbers 21:1-9 | 2:3 |
Samaritan Hospitality | Jones, Stuart R. | 1 Kings 13 | 2:3 |
A Sermon on Psalm 25:14 | Vos, Geerhardus | Psalms 25:14 | 3:1 |
The Garden of Jesus' Agony | Bergsma, Derke P. | Matthew 26:36-56 | 3:1 |
The Claims of Wisdom in Proverbs 8:1-36 | Davis, William C. | Proverbs 8:1-36 | 3:1 |
Wisdom and Folly | Baugh, Steven M. | Proverbs 9:1-6,13-18 | 3:1 |
A Sermon on Isaiah 57:15 | Vos, Geerhardus | Isaiah 57:15 | 3:2 |
Luke 4:16 - Redemptive Historical or Exemplary? | Gootjes, N.H. | Luke 4:16 | 3:2 |
The Rape of Tamar | Dennison, Jr., James T. | 2 Samuel 13 | 3:2 |
A Sermon on Matthew 16:24,25 | Vos, Geerhardus | Matthew 16:24,25 | 3:3 |
The Redeemer of Ruth | Jones, Stuart R. | Ruth 4:1-22 | 3:3 |
Made in the Image of God | Green, Bill | 2 Corinthians 3:18 | 3:3 |
The Babe and the Babes of Bethlehem | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Matthew 2:1-18 | 3:3 |
On The Passover | Melito of Sardis | Exodus 12 | 4:1 |
Short Note on the Structure of Isaiah 1 | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Isaiah 1 | 4:1 |
A Sermon On Hebrews 13:8 | Vos, Geerhardus | Hebrews 13:8 | 4:2 |
The New Point Of View (corrected) | Ridderbos, Herman N. | None | 4:3 |
Jesus' Spring House Cleaning | Clark, R. Scott | John 2:13-22 | 4:2 |
A Tale of Two Cities: Isaiah and Worship | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Isaiah 1:1-31; 6:1-8 | 4:2 |
The Holy Spirit and Eschatology | Gaffin, Jr., Richard B. | None | 4:3 |
Building the Biblical-Theological Sermon | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 4:3 |
The Spiritual Resurrection Of Believers | Vos, Geerhardus | Ephesians 2:4,5 | 5:1 |
The New Heavens and the New Earth | Dennison, Charles G. | Hebrews 12:26-29 | 5:1 |
Building the Biblical-Theological Sermon (part 2) | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 5:1 |
The Rider of the Red Horse | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 1:8 | 5:2 |
Witnesses to the King | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John 19:17-42 | 5:2 |
A Sermon on I Corinthians 5:7 | Vos, Geerhardus | 1 Corinthians 5:7 | 5:3 |
The Rider of the Red Horse (part 2) | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 1:8 | 5:3 |
The Righteous King - The Just Kingdom | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Isaiah 32:1-3 | 5:3 |
A Sermon On Mark 10:45 | Vos, Geerhardus | Mark 10:45 | 6:1 |
How Long? | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 1:8 | 6:1 |
Come Out of Babylon | Inks, David | Isaiah 52:11 | 6:1 |
The Wonderful Tree | Vos, Geerhardus | Hosea 14:8 | 6:2 |
How Long? (part 2) | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 1:13-17 | 6:2 |
Hungering and Thirsting After Righteousness | Vos, Geerhardus | Matthew 5:6 | 6:3 |
Structural Strands in New Testament Eschatology | Murray, John | None | 6:3 |
The Old Man | Roth, David L. | Colossians 3:1-18 | 6:3 |
Paul, Philemon, Onesimus and the New Creation in Christ Jesus | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Philemon | 6:3 |
Seeking and Saving the Lost | Vos, Geerhardus | Luke 19:10 | 7:1 |
Messianic Avenger | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 1:18-21 | 7:1 |
The Structure of John's Gospel - The Present State of the Question | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John | 7:1 |
Rabboni | Vos, Geerhardus | John 20:16 | 7:2 |
Evangel of the Messianic Angel | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 2:1-13 | 7:2 |
Nicodemus | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John 3:1-16; 7:45-53; 19:38-42 | 7:2 |
The Structure of the Book of Joel | Lee, Lena | Joel | 7:3 |
The Year of Destruction in the Light of the Year of Jubilee | Schilder, Klaas | Jeremiah 32:6-15 | 7:3 |
Evangel of the Messianic Angel (part 2) | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 2:6-13 | 7:3 |
Suggestions for Reading - The History of Biblical Theology: Encyclopedias and Dictionaries | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 7:3 |
The More Excellent Ministry | Vos, Geerhardus | 2 Corinthians 3:18 | 8:1 |
The Servant and the Serpent | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 3 | 8:1 |
The Gospel of John: An Introduction | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John | 8:1 |
The Prologue of John's Gospel | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John 1:1-18 | 8:2 |
The Servant and the Serpent (part 2) | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 3 | 8:2 |
What Should I Read on the Song of Solomon? | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Song Of Solomon | 8:2 |
Must We Obey the Law? | Lauer, Stewart E. | Matthew 5:17-20 | 8:3 |
Narrative and Paradox in Jonah | Lillegard, David | Jonah | 8:3 |
The Sign of Jonah | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Jonah | 8:3 |
By My Spirit | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 4 | 9:1 |
A Divine Engagement | Hunter, Scott F. | John 4:1-30 | 9:1 |
Resurrection Living | Dennison, William D. | Colossians 3:1-4 | 9:1 |
By My Spirit (part 2) | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 4 | 9:2 |
Come and See | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John 1:19-51 | 9:2 |
Genesis and the Real World | Roth, David L. | Genesis 1 | 9:2 |
The Gospel of Mark from Beginning to End | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Mark 1:1-15; 15:33-39;16:1-8 | 9:3 |
The Sweetness of the Cup | Ryken, Philip G. | Isaiah 51:17-23, Matthew 26:26-30, 36-46 | 9:3 |
By My Spirit (part 3) | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 4 | 9:3 |
Balaam, The Magi and Herod | Jones, Stuart R. | Matthew 2 | 10:1 |
The Eschatological Aspect of Justification | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Romans 4:25 | 10:1 |
What is the Gospel? | Dennison, Charles G. | Matthew 11:2-6 | 10:1 |
What Should I Read on the Epistle of Jude? | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Jude | 10:1 |
Pentecost: Before and After | Gaffin, Jr., Richard B. | Acts 2 | 10:2 |
Geerhardus Vos and Eschatology | Semel, Lawrence | None | 10:2 |
The Unnamed Woman and Jesus | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Mark 14:1-11 | 10:2 |
Anathema | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 5 | 10:3 |
The Speaking Priest | Mahaffy, John W. | Luke 1:67 | 10:3 |
Remember the Risen Christ | Strimple, Robert B. | 2 Timothy 2:8 | 2:3 |
The New Point of View | Ridderbos, Herman N. | None | 4:2 |
John 2: Structure And Biblical Thelogy | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John 2 | 11:1 |
Is Wisdom Literature Eschatological? | Olinger, Danny | None | 11:1 |
Suffering and Eschatology | Green, Bill | 2 Corinthians 4 | 11:1 |
Biblical Theology and the Culture War | Van Drunen, David | Jeremiah 29:5-14 | 11:1 |
Jesus and Lazarus | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John 11:17-48, 53 | 11:2 |
A Glimmer of Hope | Lee, Jeong Woo (James) | Genesis 5 | 11:2 |
The Tree of Life: Protological to Eschatological | Starke, Robert | Genesis 3 | 11:2 |
Some Thoughts On Preaching | Dennison, Charles G. | None | 11:3 |
MARANA THA | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 6:1-8 | 11:3 |
Guarding the Entrance to the Place of Rest | Van Kooten, Robert | Hebrews 4:12,13 | 11:3 |
Index Volume 1-10 (1986-1995) | Roth, David L. | None | 10:3 |
What is Biblical Theology? Reflections on the Inaugural Address of Geerhardus Vos | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 2:1 |
Bethel: House of God | Dennison, William D. | Genesis 28:10-22 | 2:3 |
Clothing From Heaven | Clawson, Douglas B. | Exodus 39 | 12:1 |
What Should I Read on Hosea? | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Hosea | 12:1 |
A Redemptive-Historical Consideration of Philemon | Olinger, Danny | Philemon | 12:1 |
A Paradigm for the Exodus Conflict | Lee, Jeong Woo (James) | Exodus 7:8-13 | 12:1 |
The Blessing of Abraham | Jones, Stuart R. | Galatians | 12:2 |
Waves of Locusts! | Inks, David | Joel 1 | 12:2 |
The Leaping Man | Broline, Jr., Robert | Acts 3:1-8; Isaiah 35:4-6 | 12:2 |
The Exaltation of Christ* | Kline, Meredith G. | Zechariah 6:9-15 | 12:3 |
The Lament and the Lamenter | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Lamentations 3:1-23 | 12:3 |
Christus Agonistes: the Betrayal and Arrest of the I AM | Irons, Lee | John 18:1-14 | 13:1 |
Moses -- in Egypt and Midian | Olinger, Danny | Exodus 2:11-25 | 13:1 |
Introduction to the Ten Commandments | Lee, Jeong Woo (James) | Exodus 20:1-3; Luke 12:48 | 13:1 |
Enveloped By God | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Hosea 14:4-8 | 13:1 |
The Faith of a Foreigner | Schroeder, Bryan | Ruth 1; Hebrews 11:1,2, 13-16 | 13:2 |
Our Citizenship is in Heaven | Semel, Lawrence | Philippians 3:1-21 | 13:2 |
Abraham: The Prophet | Dennison, William D. | Genesis 20:1-18 | 13:2 |
When What Is Mortal Is Swallowed Up By Life | Kuyper, Abraham | 2 Corinthians 5:4 | 13:3 |
In the Apostle's Absence | Van Drunen, David | Philippians 2:19-30 | 13:3 |
The Nature and Aims of Biblical Theology | Vos, Geerhardus | None | 14:1 |
The Resurrected Child | Dennison, Charles G. | Revelation 12:1-6 | 14:1 |
The New Exodus in the Risen Lamb | Sanborn, Scott F. | Revelation 1:4-8 | 14:1 |
What Should I Read on Revelation? | Irons, Lee | Revelation | 14:1 |
The Measure of Thankfulness: Jesus, Paul, and the Life of Prayer | Dennison, Charles G. | None | 14:2 |
He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John 3:22-31 | 14:2 |
Geerhardus Vos: Life Between Two Worlds | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 14:2 |
Biblical Theology: The View From the Pew | Garcia, Diane | None | 14:2 |
The Trail of the Serpent | Duff, Donald J. | Matthew 2:13-18 | 14:3 |
Biblical Theology and the Session | Gidley, James S. | None | 14:3 |
Isaiah's Christmans Children: Shear-jashub | Dennison, Charles G. | Isaiah 7:1-9 | 14:3 |
The Eschatology of Hebrews 2:1-4: A Critical Appraisal of the Theonomic Thesis | Tipton, Lane G. | Hebrews 2:1-4 | 15:1 |
Proving and Provision at Marah | Klein, David J. | Exodus 15:22-27 | 15:1 |
The View from the Manse* | Irons, Misty | None | 15:1 |
The Shepherd-Lord | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Psalms 23 | 15:1 |
The Writings of Geerhardus Vos* | Olinger, Danny | None | 15:2 |
God's Eschatological Word | Broline, Jr., Robert | Luke 1:3-4 | 15:2 |
Isaiah's Christmas Children: Immanuel | Dennison, Charles G. | Isaiah 7:1-16, 8:5-8 | 15:3 |
To Every Man's Conscience in the Sight of God | Lee, Jeong Woo (James) | 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 | 15:3 |
Hagar's Wilderness Sojourn | Lindemulder, Paul | Genesis 21:15-21 | 15:3 |
Preachers: Tell the Story of Redemption! | Reynolds, Gregory Edward | None | 15:3 |
Covenant Theology and Old Testament Ethics: Meredith G. Kline's Intrusion Ethics | Jeon, Jeong Koo | None | 16:1 |
The Hidden Glory of the Eldership* | Bordow, Todd | Matthew 18:15-20 | 16:1 |
Biblical Theology and Counseling* | Baldwin, Bill | None | 16:1 |
Vos on the Sabbath: A Close Reading | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 16:1 |
Eschatology and Office | Dennison, Charles G. | Isaiah 24:23 | 16:2 |
"Are They Hebrews?" | Lee, Jeong Woo (James) | 2 Corinthians 11:16-33 | 16:2 |
Christ's Method for Maturity | Inks, David | Ephesians 4:7-16 | 16:2 |
Redemptive-historical Preaching | Irons, Lee | None | 16:2 |
Isaiah's Christmas Children: Maher-shalal-hash-baz | Dennison, Charles G. | Isaiah 8:1-15 | 16:3 |
Simeon's Farewell Song | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Luke 2:21-35 | 16:3 |
The Early Sorrows of Christ | Baldwin, Bill | Matthew 2:13-23 | 16:3 |
The Song of Miriam | Van Kooten, Robert | Exodus 15:19-21 | 16:3 |
Was the Tree of Life Always Off-limits? A Critique of Vos's Answer | Lauer, Stewart E. | None | 16:3 |
What is the 'Critical' Reading of the Bible? | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 17:1 |
The Lamb is My Shepherd | Harrell, Tin Ling | Psalms 23 | 17:1 |
Invitations and Warnings | Dennison, Charles G. | Matthew 7:7-29 | 17:1 |
Gregory Nazianzus on the God-Man | Nazianzus, Gregory | None | 17:1 |
A Heart for God's Law | Hunter, Scott F. | Matthew 3:1-2 | 17:1 |
Glory in the Midst of Darkness | Jeon, Jeong Koo | None | 17:1 |
Chance, Randomness, and Determinism | McElroy, Tucker S. | None | 17:1 |
Bridges or Ladders? | Findley, Gary | None | 17:2 |
Image | Dennison, Charles G. | None | 17:2 |
Paul and the Law | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 17:2 |
Thomas Hooker on Union with Christ | Hooker, Thomas | None | 17:2 |
Arius 'Orthodoxos'; Athanasius 'Politicus' | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 17:2 |
Hilary of Poitiers On the Son of God | Hilary of Poitiers | None | 17:2 |
Isaiah's Christmas Children: The Glory Child | Dennison, Charles G. | Isaiah 8:16-9:7 | 17:3 |
Peace | Vaughan, Henry | None | 17:3 |
Samson -- The Last Judge | Starke, Robert | Judges 13-16 | 17:3 |
Eumenides | Dennison, Charles G. | None | 17:3 |
The Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth: An Eschatological Encounter | Broline, Jr., Robert | Luke 1:39-56 | 17:3 |
Reason, History and Revelation: Biblical Theology and the Enlightenment | Dennison, William D. | None | 18:1 |
As Weary Pilgrim | Bradstreet, Anne | None | 18:1 |
Symmetries of Equivalence: Logos and Theos in John 1:1-2 | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John 1:1-2 | 18:1 |
Light Affliction | Dennison, Charles G. | None | 18:1 |
Jonathan Edwards on the Two Adams | Edwards, Jonathan | None | 18:1 |
Garden Temple | Beale, Gregory K. | Genesis 1-2 | 18:2 |
New Abraham | Dennison, Charles G. | None | 18:2 |
The One Who Gives Life | Semel, Lawrence | 2 Kings 13:20-21; John 11:17-29 | 18:2 |
Novatian on the Incarnation | Novation | None | 18:2 |
Jonathan Edwards, 1703-1758: An Appraisal on the Tercentenary of His Birth | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 18:2 |
With the Wild Beasts | Vos, Brian D. | Mark 1:12-13 | 18:3 |
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day | Traditional | None | 18:3 |
Born of the Virgin Mary | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Matthew 1:1-25 | 18:3 |
In the Fields of Boaz | Dennison, Charles G. | Ruth | 18:3 |
"I AM the Good Shepherd" | Lee, Jeong Woo (James) | John 10:1-30 | 18:3 |
John Calvin on Eschatological Pilgrims | Calvin, John | Titus 3:4-7 | 18:3 |
Augustine and Grace | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 18:3 |
The Old and New Covenants and the Law: Was the Mosaic Covenant a Redemptive Covenant of Grace? | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 19:1 |
Games (A Reflection on the Opening Chapters of I Samuel) | Dennison, Charles G. | 1 Samuel | 19:1 |
On Being a Confessional Church | Reynolds, Gregory Edward | None | 19:1 |
Charles Hodge on the System of Doctrine | Hodge, Charles | None | 19:1 |
Holy Sonnet 14 | Donne, John | None | 19:1 |
Deuteronomy 19: Chiasms and Cases | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Deuteronomy 19 | 19:1 |
Augustine on Christ's Death | Augustine | John | 19:1 |
Dutch: The Withering of a Language | Vos, Geerhardus | None | 19:2 |
Mephibosheth (A Reflection on I Samuel 18:1 and II Samuel 19:24-30) | Dennison, Charles G. | 1 Samuel 18:1; 2 Samuel 19:24-30 | 19:2 |
Origen: A Review | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 19:2 |
"To Life!" | Courter, Joyce | None | 19:2 |
The Passion Narratives of Mark and Luke: Christ's Loneliness and the Christ of Compassion | Dennison, William D. | Mark 14:26-31; Luke 22:31-34 | 19:2 |
David and Manipulation, Deception and Murder | Van Kooten, Robert | 2 Kings | 19:2 |
Origen on Christ | Origen | Song Of Solomon | 19:2 |
Autobiographical Notes | Vos, Geerhardus | None | 19:3 |
Isaiah's Christmas Children: The Stump of Jesse | Dennison, Charles G. | Isaiah | 19:3 |
Chrysostom on the Son of God | Chrysostom, John | Galatians | 19:3 |
The Millenium | Vos, Brian D. | Revelation | 19:3 |
August Sun (Jeremiah 8:20) | Dennison, Charles G. | Jeremiah 8:20 | 19:3 |
Eschatology and the Structure of 1 Thessalonians | Dennison, Jr., James T. | 1 Thessalonians | 19:3 |
The Nativity | Vaughan, Henry | None | 19:3 |
Calvinistic Antinomians | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 20:1 |
Obadiah 21 (In memory of J. Gresham Machen) | Dennison, Charles G. | Obadiah 1:21 | 20:1 |
The Prospects of American Theology | Vos, Geerhardus | None | 20:1 |
Martin Bucer: A Review | Amos, N. Scott | None | 20:1 |
The Bentheim Confession (1613/1617) | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 20:2 |
Christ Alone by Faith Alone, Not by the Merit of Works | Luther, Martin | None | 20:2 |
The Road to Endor | Wielenga, Bill | 1 Samuel 28 | 20:2 |
Irony (Luke 5:17-26) | Dennison, Charles G. | Luke 5:17-26 | 20:2 |
The Old and New Covenants and the Law: Was the Mosaic Covenant a Redemptive Covenant of Grace? Pt II | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 20:2 |
K.A. Kitchen on the Old Testament: A Review | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 20:2 |
Our Incomparable God | King, Adam | Psalms 113 | 20:3 |
Last Theologian | Dennison, Charles G. | None | 20:3 |
Biblical Theology and Counseling: I John 4:7-21 | Renkema, Marcus J. | 1 John | 20:3 |
Nativity | Donne, John | None | 20:3 |
Tiberius Caesar | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Luke 2:1, 3:1 | 20:3 |
Fulgentius of Ruspe | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Ezekiel 18:4,32; 1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9 | 20:3 |
Trinitarian Confession of the Italian Church of Geneva (1558) | Dennison, Jr., James T. and Young II, George C. | None | 21:1 |
The Redemptive-Historical Hermeneutic and Preaching | Dennison, William D. | None | 21:1 |
Last Enemy | Dennison, Charles G. | None | 21:1 |
The Law from the New Mount | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Matthew 5:27-28 | 21:1 |
Sharing Christ | Vosteen, J. Peter | Philippians 3:1-11 | 21:2 |
Heaven and Earth | Dennison, Charles G. | None | 21:2 |
Natural and Special Revelation: A Reassessment | Dennison, William D. | None | 21:2 |
Peter Martyr Vermigli on Christ's Resurrection and Justification | Vermigli, Peter Martyr | None | 21:2 |
Salvation and the House of a Harlot | Wright, Steven | Joshua 2 | 21:2 |
Calvin on DVD | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 21:2 |
Isaiah's Christmas Children: Understanding the Message of the Prophets | Dennison, Charles G. | Isaiah 10:28-11:10 | 21:3 |
Christmas | Herbert, George | None | 21:3 |
Meredith G. Kline: A Critical Review | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 21:3 |
Jonathan Edwards on Preaching | Edwards, Jonathan | None | 21:3 |
Justin Martyr | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 21:3 |
Augustine on Merit | Augustine | None | 21:3 |
Again, Jesus' Sermon on the Mount | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Matthew 5-7 | 21:3 |
Calvinist | Dennison, Charles G. | None | 21:3 |
Augustine on Christ's Incarnation | Augustine | John 1 | 21:3 |
Narrative Art and Biblical Theology in the Book of Ruth | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Ruth | 22:1 |
Athanasius on Salvation | Athanasius | None | 22:1 |
The Lamp Will Not Be Extinguished | Van Kooten, Robert | 2 Samuel 21:15-22 | 22:1 |
Thomas Cartwright on Israel's Inheritance of the Land | Cartwright, Thomas | None | 22:1 |
The Book of Hebrews: The Unique Legal Aspect of the Mosaic Covenant Grounded in the Covenant of Grace | Sanborn, Scott F. | Hebrews | 22:1 |
John Calvin on the Covenant of Grace | Calvin, John | None | 22:1 |
Old Testament Historical Books: A Critical Review | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 22:1 |
Prophetic Narrative Biography and Biblical Theology: The Prophet Hosea | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Hosea | 22:2 |
John Calvin on Galatians 3 | Calvin, John | Galatians 3 | 22:2 |
Francis Roberts on Ordo Salutis and Historia Salutis | Roberts, Francis | None | 22:2 |
Paul, the Covenant Theologian | Semel, Lawrence | None | 22:2 |
Anthony Burgess on the Law and the Gospel | Burgess, Anthony | None | 22:2 |
Micah's Bethlehem and Matthew's | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Micah 5:2-5; Matthew 2:1-6 | 22:3 |
O Remember Adam's Fall | Anonymous | None | 22:3 |
In Marosszentimre Church | Zoltan, Jekely | None | 22:3 |
Gottschalk of Orbais: A Medieval Predestinarian | Gumerlock, Francis X. | None | 22:3 |
Rudimenta Pietatis | Duncan, Andrew | None | 22:3 |
The Earliest Hungarian Protestant Confessions: Nagyvarad (1544) and Erdod (1545) | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 23:1 |
A Greater than Solomon | Hamilton, James | None | 23:1 |
The Glory of the Latter Temple: A Structural and Biblical-Theological Analysis of Haggai 2:1-9 | Swinburnson, Benjamin W. | Haggai 2:1-9 | 23:1 |
Past and Present | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 23:1 |
The Apocalyptics of the Hungarian Puritans | Petroczi, Eve Alice | None | 23:1 |
The Eschatological Reversal of the Protological Reversal: Narrative Analysis and Chiastic Paradigms in Genesis 2:18-3:24 | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Genesis 2:18-3:24 | 23:2 |
Charles Hodge on John Nevin: A Neglected Review | Swinburnson, Benjamin W. | None | 23:2 |
Zanchi on Justification | Zanchius, Jerome | None | 23:2 |
Christ in His Word | Van Kooten, Robert | 2 Thessalonians 1:1-3; 3:16-18 | 23:2 |
Patristic Commentaries on Revelation | Gumerlock, Francis X. | Revelation | 23:2 |
Abscondita cum Christo: The Blind Man and Jesus | Dennison, Jr., James T. | John 9 | 23:3 |
Edward Leigh: More Than Psalms | Leigh, Edward | None | 23:3 |
Inclusive Psalmody: Why "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs" Refer to More Than the Old Testament Psalter | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 23:3 |
A Hymn of Heavenly Love | Spenser, Edmund | None | 23:3 |
The Rhetoric of the Post-Exilic Prophetic Reversal: Chiasmus in Haggai 1:1-15, A Structural and Biblical-Theological Analysis | Swinburnson, Benjamin W. | Haggai 1:1-15 | 23:3 |
The Biblical Basis for Missions | Vos, Geerhardus | None | 24:1 |
The Idea of Biblical Theology as a Science and as a Theological Discipline | Vos, Geerhardus | None | 24:1 |
Geerhardus Vos, Biblical Theology and Preaching | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 24:1 |
Calvin on Merit and the Land of Canaan | Calvin, John | Deuteronomy 9:1-6 | 24:1 |
So, What is Faith? | Dennison, William D. | Hebrews 11-1, 17-19; Genesis 18:14, 22:1-4 | 24:1 |
Calvin on Universal Salvation | Calvin, John | Titus 2:6-14 | 24:1 |
A Mini-Markan Sandwich: Simon of Cyrene Pressed Between Jesus and His Cross | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Mark 15:20-22 | 24:2 |
Calvin on Christian Pilgrims | Calvin, John | Deuteronomy | 24:2 |
Paul and Semi-Eschatological Justification: With a Critique of N.T. Wright | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 24:2 |
Exsul, Peregrinus, Viator: Selderhuis on Calvin, A Review | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 24:2 |
Merit or "Entitlement" in Reformed Covenant Theology: A Review | Dennison, Jr., James T., Sanborn, Scott F. and Swinburnson, Benjamin W. | None | 24:3 |
Ruth: The Story Begins | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Ruth 1 | 25:1 |
The Tractoria of Prudentius of Troyes (d. 861) | Gumerlock, Francis X. | None | 25:1 |
Classic Orthodox Calvinists on the Notion of Any Human Merit | Zanchius, Jerome, Beza, Theodore and Ursinus, Zacharias | None | 25:1 |
John Calvin, Eternal Generation, and Communication of Essence: A Reexamination of His Views | Swinburnson, Benjamin W. | None | 25:1 |
Vos Reviews William Henry Green | Vos, Geerhardus | None | 25:2 |
Muller on Divine Essence and Attributes: A Review | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 25:2 |
The Aaronic Benediction | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Numbers 6:22-27 | 25:2 |
Calvin's Idea of Meritum Christi | Tachin, Philip | None | 25:2 |
G. Vos to B. B. Warfield | Vos, Geerhardus | None | 25:3 |
John Milton on Christ's Advent | Milton, John | None | 25:3 |
The Christian Apologist in the Present State of Redemptive-History | Dennison, William D. | None | 25:3 |
Geerhardus Vos: Nuggets of Gold From Hebrews | Vos, Geerhardus | Hebrews | 25:3 |
Joab and Abner: Narrative Symmetries Sandwiching David | Dennison, Jr., James T. | 2 Samuel 3:6-12, 17-39 | 25:3 |
More Letters of Geerhardus Vos | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 26:1 |
The Hungarian Confessio Catholica (1562) on Covenant Conditions | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 26:1 |
Moreland's Kingdom Triangle: A Review | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 26:1 |
The Woman and the Child | Vosteen, J. Peter | Revelation 12 | 26:2 |
Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith: A Review | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 26:2 |
"To the Hebrews": A Narrative Paradigm | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Hebrews | 26:2 |
Conquest or Compromise? John Thomson and the Presbyterian Adopting Act of 1729 | Swinburnson, Benjamin W. | None | 26:2 |
John Calvin's 1542 Exposition of Jude | Calvin, John | Jude | 26:3 |
Chiastic Homoioptoton in Hebrews 10:39 and 11:1 | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Hebrews 10:39, 11:1 | 26:3 |
What Should I Read on Jeremiah? | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Jeremiah | 27:1 |
Vos on the Law and Merit | Vos, Geerhardus | None | 27:1 |
Did Paul Really Teach Republication as "Defined" by VanDrunen? | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 27:1 |
Apples of Gold for a Needy People: Reading Geerhardus Vos | Shreve, Jan C. | None | 27:1 |
The People of God and the Nation-States -- Interfacing Eschatology and Anti-Eschatology in Organic Continuum | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Daniel 2-12 | 27:1 |
Member of the Westminster Assembly Rejects Republication of the Covenant of Works at Mt. Sinai | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 27:2 |
Did Paul Really Teach Republication as "Defined" by VanDrunen? Part 2 | Sanborn, Scott F. | Romans 7 | 27:2 |
The Confession of the Ecclesia Locarnensis Reformata of July 9, 1554 | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 27:2 |
Bart Ehrman on Suffering in the Bible: A Critical Review | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 27:2 |
Did Paul Really Teach Republication as "Defined" by VanDrunen? Part 3 | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 27:3 |
Incarnation | Fletcher, Giles | None | 27:3 |
Patristic Commentaries on Revelation: An Update | Gumerlock, Francis X. | None | 27:3 |
Something From Nothing | Semel, Lawrence | 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 | 28:1 |
Deadly Fires versus Living Waters | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Jeremiah 2:12-13 | 28:1 |
John Ball on Covenant Blessings | Ball, John | None | 28:1 |
The Eschatological Sin: The Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit in Mark 3:29 | Swinburnson, Benjamin W. | Mark 3:29 | 28:1 |
Narrative Echoes: The Words of Brother Jesus in Brother Jude's Epistle | Dennison, Jr., James T. | Jude | 28:2 |
Augustine: Christ's Merit and Ours | Augustine | None | 28:2 |
Muller on the Trinity: A Review | Sanborn, Scott F. | None | 28:2 |
Calvin on Canaan and Merit | Calvin, John | Deuteronomy | 28:2 |
The End in the Beginning: A Biblical-Theological Catechism for Young and Old | Dennison, Jr., James T. | None | 28:2 |
Calvin on Job 41:2 [41:11]/Romans 11:35 | Sanborn, Scott F. | Job 41 | 28:2 |
The Logic of Monergism and Synergism in Francis Turretin's Soteriology | Tachin, Philip | None | 28:2 |
Turretin Against Merit in Sinners | Turretin, Francis | None | 28:2 |
Augustine on Grace and Debt | Augustine | None | 28:2 |